March 13, 2018

Meet Simon Hossain, Mews Systems

                                           Simon Hossain

  • Who are you?
    My name is Simon Hossain and I am Sales Director for the Nordics at Mews Systems
  • How did you end up with Mews Systems?
    I studied Hospitality Management at Hotelschool The Hague from 2009 until 2013. Upon graduating I realised I need a “real job” and decided to ring the doorbell of a hospitality technology company called Revinate. After working there for four years, I decided to take some time off and after a few weeks I received a call from my new boss, Matthijs Welle. As Mews is an integration partner of Revinate, I had already seen a lot of the product and was a big fan! Two months later I was in London for training and now we are here.
  • What do you think are the three things that nobody within the industry knows about you?
    When I started studying Hospitality Management my ambition was to become a chef and open my own restaurant, I’m still a huge foodie and home cook.
    2. I am a little addicted to football, I play 3 times in the week for two different teams.
    3. I am half German and half Bangladeshi, yet these are the countries I have lived in the least.
  • What are you going to talk about during the seminar?
    I will be speaking about a 21st Century Connected Hotel and how creating the right technology ecosystem within your property can help you optimise employee productivity, improve guest & employee satisfaction and ensure your data is in the right place at the right time through easy integrations.
  • What are the key points you want the participants to take with you from your speech?
    I’d be very happy if I can encourage participants to analyse which systems they currently have in place and think about how they can create an environment within their hotel that lets technology to do the heavy lifting, so that staff can focus on the guest experience.
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